“Art block” is an artists equivalent to what is commonly known in schooling as “writers block”. You are not able to tap into your creative energy. Your brain hit a wall where you cant seem to create anything. In this post, I am explaining my tips and tricks to getting out of art block, and how you can apply them to your own unique style and thought process.

The first thing to acknowledge about art block is where it comes from. There are many places that art block is sourced.

Here are the main reasons for art block:

  1. Lack of inspiration. This form of art block is probably the most common. I find often that I am not able to think of anything new, or nothing sounds “appetizing” enough for me to create it.
  2. Perfectionism. Too many times in my artistic process, I find that what I am creating is coming out nothing like I had anticipated. This can be very upsetting if you are a detail oriented person (which most artists are).
  3. Self Doubt. If you feel like you cant create something the way you envision it, you are not alone! I experience this often. Especially with things that I have done a thousand times before.
  4. Identity issues. As an artist, it seems really important to develop a personal style. This is not true. Your style will develop based on what you create, not the opposite.
  5. Burnout: If you are focusing too hard or feeling too much pressure, you can get burnout. This is exceptionally frustrating when it happens to me.
  6. Lack of routine: You might not think this is an important one, but it really is. I never can seem to create when I am not in my routine. It is hard to always randomly strike inspiration.

Strategies to fix these problems

Tip #1: Take a Break

I know it sounds silly, but you might need to just take a break. When I have the type of art block that keeps me from wanting to create anything, I just need a break. However, it is a bit stressful to walk away from artwork that you feel is very important.

Think of it as part of the artistic process. You cannot finish this piece of artwork without taking a break to feel inspiration again!

Tip #2: Look at some of your past work

This is a really underrated tip. Looking at your past work can really help you to thinking of new ideas that you might have had while creating that piece.

I like to just go onto my art account and looking at the pieces I have. Another important tip is to look at sketchbook work. Sometimes, sketchbook work is even more important, because it is an idea that has not made it to the canvas yet.

Tip #4: Try a new/old medium

Try using a medium that you have not used in a while! There is a reason why your train of artistic thought went in the direction it did. So, maybe re-trying an older one will help you remember the inspiration you had for your current medium!

Tip #5: Keep and idea journal

It might sound simple, but I often forget to do this. It can be as simple as just writing down your thoughts before they leave your head in your notes application. Most often, when it comes to ideas, you think that you will be able to remember and you never do.

Just having that one extra push of an idea you really like can get you out of art block.

Tip #6: Look at other artist’s work!

This is my absolute FAVORITE way to get over artist’s block. Out of all of the tips I gave, this is the most helpful.

This does not mean that you need to go to a museum. The best way that it works for me is to just go on tiktok, instagram, or YouTube, and watch other artist’s techniques. Watch videos of how other artists are completing their work!

Every time I have done this, I have immediately thought of a new angle to approach my work and get re=-inspired.

How to avoid block in the future

Maintain a Regular Art Routine: Establish a consistent schedule for creating art. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to work on your craft, even if it’s just for a short period. Regular practice can keep your creative juices flowing.

Set Creative Challenges: Challenge yourself to create art based on specific themes or prompts. Art challenges can push you out of your comfort zone and spark new ideas.

Engage in Art-related Hobbies: Pursue hobbies or activities related to art, such as photography, reading about art history, or attending workshops. These activities can keep your mind engaged in the creative realm.