Underpainting is a foundational painting technique using preparatory layers, improving a painting’s final appearance and easing the visualization process. Popular methods include imprimatura, Verdaccio, and grisaille. Thin layers allow for adjustments and prevent muddying, critical for color experimentation, mapping shadows and highlights, and defining the shape of figures.
Studies have shown that artists may be more likely to experience mental health problems than the general population. Being that May is Mental Health Awareness Month, I thought it was a good opportunity to highlight some of the most famous artists with mental illness. It is important to acknowledge their creativity and artistry also being […]
The Renaissance was a period of great artistic and cultural growth in Europe. Its influence can still be seen in art today. In this post, I will highlight the significance of the renaissance on the art world as well as its most famous renaissance painters. The period has renewed interest in classical art and learning. […]